De-addiction Program

AAS Rehabilitation Centre in Jalandhar, Punjab

De-addiction Program

Addiction is a condition in which a person is unable to stop using a substance despite developing side-effects. Substances of abuse/misuse/dependence include alcohol, cannabis, opioids, sedatives and prescribed drugs. Substance dependence could become a chronic remitting and relapsing condition if proper patient motivation is not maintained and timely intervention is not done.
The features of dependence include

  • Craving for substance
  • A loss of control over the amount of consumption
  • Withdrawal symptoms in case of delay/absence of substance use
  • Increased quantity of substance required to get the desired effect.
  • Neglect of alternative pleasures
  • Continuing use of substance despite harmful consequences on physical or mental health


In seeking treatment, please remember that medical supervision is essential in acute withdrawal state.
In addition to managing withdrawal state and complications with medication long term management plan needs to be formulated including both pharmacological and psychological options.

  • Manage withdrawal
  • Assess and manage the current physical complications.
  • Help you understand what is driving you towards substances
  • Work with you to resolve these underlying issues
  • Build you up and empower you with a better understanding of the problem.
  • Assist in maintenance of sobriety and prevention of relapse
  • Provide better functionality in terms of personal, occupational, familial and social domains.

The treatment plan constitutes apart from medical management, psychological measures like :
  • Therapeutic community
  • Occupational therapy
  • 12 step Alcohol/narcotic anonymous program
  • Cognitive retraining
  • Music therapy
  • Yoga
  • Individual psychotherapy
  • Group Psychotherapy
  • Motivational interviewing
  • Psycho-education of family members